Browse mineral resources


Llano Region

Kiam Prospect


Rose Quarry

Bedford Prospect

Green Mountain Quarry

Pit C Marble Quarry

Sandstone Quarry

Calcite Prospect

Molybdenum Prospect

Stone Quarry

Schneider Prospect

Roberts Prospect

Granite Quarry

Schist Quarry

Kingsland Area

Keener Branch Area



Badu Hill Mine

Williams Mine

Williams Mine

Griffy Mn Prospect

Pit A Granite Quarry

Pit B Granite Quarry

Granite Quarry

Carl Moss Mine

Collins Quarry

Meramec Minerals Mine

Oxford Area

Texas Mine

Texas Graphite Mine

Graphite Mine

Heath Mine

Olive Mine

Talc Occurrence

Granite Quarry

Vermiculite Occurrence

Road Material Pit

Road Material Pit

Iron Mountain Mine

Baringer Hill Mine

Dixie Graphite Mine

Marble Quarry

Limestone Quarry


Texas Arch Aggregates Limestone Qy

Green Mountain Deposit

Olive Mine Prospect

Mayes Pasture

Texas Arch Aggregates Serpentine Qy

Horse Mountain

Gray Fowler Area

Graphilter Corp Pit and Plant

Miller Mountain

Garrett Property

Kiam Pegmatite Prospect

South of Valley Spring Becton Ore

Cactus Canyon Llano Quarry

Packsaddle Mountain Location

Willow Creek Area

Texas Crushed Stone Llano Quarry

Llano Pit & Plant

Goodwin Prospect

Texas Arch Aggregates Limestone Qy

Iron Mountain Prospect

Texas Arch Aggregates Limestone Qy

Premier Granite Cutting Operation

Texas Arch Aggregates Limestone Qy

Bader Prospect

Riley Mountain Area

Honey Creek Deposit

Snead Quarry

Horse Mountain Prospect

Bilbrough Marble Llano Co Quarry

Parkhill Ranch

Sheeto* Place


Premier Rose Quarry

Adolph Sneider Place

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